The Canadian Association for International Aid (CANADAID) is an association of Canadian Christian organizations, cooperatives and individuals involved in relief, development, and justice who are committed to integrated, transformational development.
The CANADAID was formerly known as the CCCC Relief & Development Group (R&D Group).
In 1984, the R&D Group was formed to meet the need for a strong, combined Christian voice in Canada on international relief, justice, and development issues. The group provided a forum for Canadian Christian agencies and individuals involved in international relief, justice and development to encourage one another, cooperate, share expertise and experience, and to respond to changes in their field.
Since 1990, the R&D Group was involved in a variety of projects and activities. The R&D Group created development education materials, responded to government policies and issues in development and aid, hosted seminars and meetings to facilitate inter-agency communication and encouragement, and developed position papers on topics pertinent to members of the group.
In October 2004, the R&D Group became the Canadian Association for International Aid (CANADAID) and was redefined as an association of Canadian Christian organizations, cooperatives and individuals involved in relief, development, and justice who are committed to integrated, transformational development.
In 2007, CANADAID obtained Charitable Status. Our Charitable Registration Number is 106863038RR0001.